Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Distribution
Pick up your pre-ordered compost bin or rain barrel. See order information. Orders must be received by March 23, 2025, at midnight.

Bulb Shed Day
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.
Town Wide Cleanup
Please join Chelmsford’s Annual Town Wide Cleanup by helping to pick up litter along Chelmsford’s roads, neighborhoods, parks, and recreation areas.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off
NOTE: There will not be a Household Hazardous Waste event in Fall 2025. The next event will be in Spring 2026.
Proof of residency is required! LIMIT: 1 trunk load per household. NO LATEX PAINT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Call 978-250-5203 with questions.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open for a bonus Saturday from 9 am-1 pm.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Paper Shredding
Located at the DPW, the paper shredding event offers a way to securely recycle your paper documents.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off
Proof of residency is required! LIMIT: 1 trunk load per household. NO LATEX PAINT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Call 978-250-5203 with questions.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open for a bonus Saturday from 9 am-1 pm.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-3 pm, April-November.

Bulb Shed Day
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-5 pm, April-November.

Paper Shredding
Located at the DPW, the paper shredding event offers a way to securely recycle your paper documents.

Bulb Shed Day
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-5 pm, April-November.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off
Proof of residency is required! LIMIT: 1 trunk load per household. NO LATEX PAINT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Call 978-250-5203 with questions.
Town Wide Cleanup
Please join Chelmsford’s Annual Town Wide Cleanup by helping to pick up litter along Chelmsford’s roads, neighborhoods, parks, and recreation areas.

Bulb Shed Day
Located behind Town Offices, the fluorescent bulb shed is open the first Wednesday of the month from 9 am-5 pm, April-November.

Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Distribution
Pick up your pre-ordered compost bin or rain barrel. See order information. Orders must be received by March 24, 2024, at midnight.

Bulb Shed Drop-off
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Drop-off
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Drop-off
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Drop-off (Bonus Saturday)
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Drop-off
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Day
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Day
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Bulb Shed Day
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Town Wide Cleanup
Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, but why not celebrate all week?! Please join Chelmsford’s Earth Week Town Wide Cleanup by helping to pick up litter along Chelmsford’s roads, neighborhoods, parks, and recreation areas!
Plan your clean up for the week of Monday, April 17 to Sunday, April 23. Volunteers are urged to wear bright-colored clothing and avoid stepping into the street while working. Whenever possible, please bring your yellow bags to your home curbside. They will be picked up with your regular trash until Friday, April 28 or call for other arrangements.
Register online here or sign up at the DPW at 9 Alpha Road and pick up yellow bags between April 10 - April 21 during regular hours, M-F, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Questions: Chris Haley, Sustainability Manager at 978-250-5203 or chaley@chelmsfordma.gov.

Bulb Shed Day
These items can be dropped off at the Bulb Shed, located behind Town Offices, during open hours:
Rechargeable batteries, including: lithium (Li-ion), NiCd, NiMH
Mercury products, including:
Fluorescent, CFL and neon bulbs
Button batteries
Mercury thermometers and thermostats
Blood pressure cuffs
Electrical switches
Printer cartridges

Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Distribution
Pick up your pre-ordered compost bin or rain barrel. See order information. Orders must be received by March 17, 2023, at midnight.