Plastic Bags and Wraps
Not in the bin!
Recycle clean, dry plastic bags and other plastic film packaging at major grocery chains or retail stores. Items labeled #2, #4, or “Store Drop-off” can be recycled.
This video from Trex explains which types of plastic film can be recycled.
Here are examples of plastic film that can be accepted:
From the store:
Produce bags
Store check-out bags
Ice bags
From your pantry:
Ziploc® bags and other recloable bags
Cereal box liners
Case overwrap (from paper towels, water bottles, etc.)
Bread bags
From your front door:
Newspaper sleeves
Dry cleaning bags
Bubble wrap
Plastic e-commerce mailers
Do NOT include these items:
Chip bags
Candy wrappers
Frozen food bags
Non-stretchy pouches, like grape bags (these are #5)
Net or mesh produce bags
Mulch or soil bags
Cheese stick wrappers
Shiny, crinkly films like floral wrap
Don’t see your item on the list? Try these tests to see if your plastic is recyclable polyethylene or not:
Will the package stretch when you pull it? If yes, it can be included. If it tears like paper, do NOT recycle it.
Is the package shiny or does it make a crinkly/crunchy sound in your hand? If yes, do NOT recycle it.