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Town Wide Cleanup

  • Department of Public Works 9 Alpha Road Chelmsford, MA, 01824 United States (map)

Please join Chelmsford’s Annual Town Wide Cleanup by helping to pick up litter along Chelmsford’s roads, neighborhoods, parks, and recreation areas.

Plan your clean up for the week of Saturday, April 19 to Sunday, April 27. Volunteers are urged to wear bright-colored clothing and avoid stepping into the street while working. Whenever possible, please bring your yellow bags to your home curbside. They will be picked up with your regular trash until Friday, May 2, or call for other arrangements.

Register online here or sign up at the DPW at 9 Alpha Road and pick up yellow bags between April 14 - April 25 during regular hours (M, W, Th: 7:00am-4:00pm, Tu: 7:00am-6:00pm, Fr: 7:00am-noon).

Questions: Chris Haley, Sustainability Manager at 978-250-5203 or

After your cleanup, please help us celebrate your success and prepare for next year's cleanup by providing your feedback. Report your results here.

April 6

FixIt Clinic

April 25

CCAT Climate Cafe