Recycling News
The Chelmsford Recycling Committee meets on the second Thursday of each month. Minutes from the committee meetings can be viewed on the town website here:
Spring is Around the Corner
Your garden is hungry after its winter slumber - feed it with compost!
Tips for Successful Recycling
Remember to label your recycling bins to make them easy to identify!
Recycling Committee tours UTEC mattress recycling facility
The Chelmsford Recycling Committee met with UTEC staff to tour their mattress recycling facility in Lawrence, MA.
Bags to Benches Dedication
Chelmsford leaders and residents gathered at the Warren-Pohl Reservation, 95 Boston Road, to celebrate the installation of a new bench made from recycled plastic bags.
2024 Chelmsford Town Wide Cleanup
Please join Chelmsford’s Annual Town Wide Cleanup by helping to pick up litter along our roads, neighborhoods, parks, and recreation areas.
Compost Bins and Rain Barrels for Sale for Chelmsford Residents
Are you interested in being more sustainable at your home? The Town of Chelmsford has partnered with EnviroWorld to offer its residents FreeGarden EARTH Compost Bins for the low price of $25 and FreeGarden RAIN Barrels for only $70.