Recycling News
The Chelmsford Recycling Committee meets on the second Thursday of each month. Minutes from the committee meetings can be viewed on the town website here:
Changes to Trash & Recycling Services as of July 1st
The Town of Chelmsford has entered into a 5-year agreement with E.L. Harvey & Sons to provide the Town’s waste and recycling services
Town Wide Cleanup Results
Chelmsford's 2023 Town-Wide Clean-Up was a great success! For the third year, the event stretched for a full week, allowing volunteers flexibility. This year, 77 individuals and groups volunteered to collected 330 bags of litter!
Chelmsford Annual Town Wide Cleanup
Please join Chelmsford’s Annual Town Wide Cleanup by helping to pick up litter along our roads, neighborhoods, parks, and recreation areas.
Compost Bin & Rain Barrel Sale
Are you interested in being more sustainable at your home? The Town of Chelmsford is offering a Compost Bin and Rain Barrel Program!
Zero Waste Day Photos
See pictures and results from Chelmsford’s first Zero Waste Day event.
Chelmsford Recycle App
Did you know that we are offering a mobile app for all things recycling? Search “Chelmsford Recycle” in the Apple App Store or Google Play and download today!