The Chelmsford Recycling Committee is collecting Plastic Bags, Plastic Wraps and Plastic Film. Our goal is to collect 500 lbs within 6 months! See the attached flyer for accepted items. Three collection boxes are located in town:
Town Hall (Billerica Rd.) - beside the recycling table on the lower level, LL
Senior Center (Groton Rd.) - just inside the main entrance
Library (Boston Rd) - just inside the main entrance
UPDATE! We’ll be meeting our goal of 500lbs of plastic film collected by August 26th. Thank you all for participating and learning about plastic film!! When the boxes are gone you should still recycle your plastic film. Take your plastic film to any participating store in town (Stop & Shop, Market Basket, Hannaford) to do your part and keep plastic film out of our trash and help the cost savings of trash collection for Chelmsford!