Join us at Chelmsford’s first Repair Café! Hosted by the Chelmsford Senior Center and coordinated by the Chelmsford Public Library and the Chelmsford Recycling Committee, the Repair Café welcomes residents to bring the following items from your home that need repair:
digital devices
clothing & textiles
small electrical items
knife sharpening (new!)
and more!
There will be skilled volunteer coaches on hand to help you tinker, troubleshoot and perhaps repair your own items. The Repair Cafe provides the space, coaches and tools, so you can learn a valuable skill and return home with your item (hopefully!) repaired. And have a lot of fun at the same time!
Why a Repair Cafe?
A Repair Café is all about repairing items together with an expert coach while learning how an item really works. Repairs can save money and resources, with fewer items being discarded into landfills, resulting in a more sustainable community. But above all, Repair Café just wants to show how much fun repairing things can be, and how easy it often is.